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Data-based reporting: Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority

Today, all railway-related facilities must be recorded in both the railway traffic register and the building register, and the same data must also be entered into the information system of the European Railway Agency (RINF). Considering the principles of real-time economy, this is not reasonable, and the data should be submitted only once. By the end of 2023, it will be clear how to reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs and avoid the multiple submission of data.

In addition, a data-based model will be completed by 2023 showing which would be the most reasonable way to determine user fee surcharges for railway users. There are various solutions in the world for how to charge railway undertakings for the use of the railway and all the accompanying infrastructure. By the end of the year, it will be clear which solution would be the most reasonable and fairest for Estonia.

In addition to the aforementioned detailed works, it is planned to review all other services of the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority based on the principles of real-time economy to plan work and make the services more convenient for users.




245,000 euros